【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ Nodi
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ Nodi
◎【築硯全球精英薈】 - 標誌您卓越品味的尊榮會員計劃:專享獨家回饋!(點我加入會員)。 ◎ 圖片僅供參考,實際報價依會籍級別/材質等級/配件選擇而不同。 TRIBÙ Nodi扶手椅憑藉其獨特的輕盈外形和奢華的設計風格,已成為頂級戶外家具的代表之一。設計師Yabu Pushelberg為Nodi注入了他對現代風格的獨到見解,並以Canax®轉彎繩和不銹鋼材質為主要結構打造。獨特的材料結合,創造出一個時尚、現代的作品。 TRIBÙ家具具有防紫外線和防水的特性,適合放置在任何戶外環境,從陽台到花園,從游泳池到海灘。不論您在哪裡,都可以享受著優雅、輕鬆的氛圍。這種優雅的氛圍已贏得了設計界的肯定,並榮獲了德國設計大獎和Archiproducts設計大獎。 這款扶手椅的簡約設計和獨特的材質使它成為TRIBÙ品牌的經典之作。Canax®轉彎繩和不銹鋼材質為扶手椅帶來高級感和現代感。設計師Yabu Pushelberg為這款扶手椅注入了自己的獨特風格,讓Nodi成為了融合了藝術性和實用性的傑作。 設計師Yabu Pushelberg在全球都有著眾多的設計項目,他的客戶包括Four Seasons、Barneys、Tiffany&Co.和Louis Vuitton等。他擅長將複雜的設計變得看起來毫不費力,將現代感、奢華和實用性融合在一起,將設計提升到了一個全新的層次。 TRIBÙ Nodi扶手椅的尺寸為深51cm寬60cm背高71cm*座高35cm,是一款寬敞舒適的扶手椅,給您帶來優質的休閒體驗。如果您正在尋找一款既美觀又舒適的戶外家具,那麼TRIBÙ Nodi扶手椅絕對值得考慮。 此商品僅限門市購買,如欲預約請 按此聯絡我們
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ Senja
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ Senja
◎【築硯全球精英薈】 - 標誌您卓越品味的尊榮會員計劃:專享獨家回饋!(點我加入會員)。 ◎ 圖片僅供參考,實際報價依會籍級別/材質等級/配件選擇而不同。 TRIBÙ Senja扶手椅,由STUDIO SEGERS設計的完美融合設計、舒適和美感,為您的戶外空間增添一道獨特的風景線。利用Canax® 緊密編織的材質,Senja扶手椅帶給您獨特的節奏感。椅背緩緩傾斜,為您的脊椎提供良好的支撐和貼合,椅座也增加了寬度,再配上柔軟的坐墊,讓您更能享受舒適的休息時光。TRIBÙ Senja扶手椅搭配柔和、溫暖的柚木或流線型的粉末塗層鋁腳架,與各種沙發完美搭配,呈現出優雅而舒適的風格。無論是放鬆一下,或是與親友一同共聚,TRIBÙ Senja扶手椅都能為您帶來舒適的享受,讓您的戶外空間更加美好與舒適。 此商品僅限門市購買,如欲預約請 按此聯絡我們
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ Tosca
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ Tosca
◎【築硯全球精英薈】 - 標誌您卓越品味的尊榮會員計劃:專享獨家回饋!(點我加入會員)。 ◎ 圖片僅供參考,實際報價依會籍級別/材質等級/配件選擇而不同。 當您踏入 TRIBÙ 的戶外家具世界,瞬間感受到的是一股奢華感。這是由 MONICA ARMANI 所設計的 Tosca 戶外家具所展現的。這是 TRIBÙ 首次邀請女性設計師參與戶外家具的設計,致力於打造出具有女性風格的傑作。Tosca 的設計簡潔而不失氣派,賦予人們一種舒適、時尚且神秘的感覺。圓形的外觀、錐形的腳和優雅的座椅殼都採用了粉末塗層不銹鋼,並使用了特別寬的編織。而編織的材料更是 TRIBÙ 的創新之舉:將泡沫填充物包裹在無縫的編織紗線和聚烯烴材料中,使得這款家具既具有抗風雨的特性,又具有觸感柔軟舒適。此外,舒適的戶外靠墊也是 Tosca 設計的一大特點。 此商品僅限門市購買,如欲預約請 按此聯絡我們
◎【築硯全球精英薈】 - 標誌您卓越品味的尊榮會員計劃:專享獨家回饋!(點我加入會員)。 ◎ 圖片僅供參考,實際報價依會籍級別/材質等級/配件選擇而不同。 夏日來臨,TRIBÙ CTR戶外椅是您享受陽光、放鬆心情的絕佳選擇。義大利設計師Piergiorgio Cazzaniga以簡潔的設計將複雜的設計展現出來。椅子的框架採用一根連續彎曲的不銹鋼線條,使椅子的角落保持直線,但仍然保持著柔和的圓形,這需要極高的技術和技巧。背部只在框架上的2個點上連接,看起來懸浮在座椅上方,通透的編織方式回顧了古老的編織傳統,並為背部提供柔軟的支撐。座椅上鋪著防水的坐墊,易於拆卸。TRIBÙ CTR戶外椅結合了設計、實用、美觀、舒適,讓您在戶外感受最好的生活。 此商品僅限門市購買,如欲預約請 按此聯絡我們
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ Elio
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ Elio
◎【築硯全球精英薈】 - 標誌您卓越品味的尊榮會員計劃:專享獨家回饋!(點我加入會員)。 ◎ 圖片僅供參考,實際報價依會籍級別/材質等級/配件選擇而不同。 陽光、自然、環境,設計教父YABU PUSHELBERG的Elio系列受到了希臘太陽神赫利俄斯的啟發,完美地呈現了陽光反射在風景和物體上的美感。多種柔和的紗線編織成一股繩索,模仿了自然光的色調,使每一張椅子都是獨一無二的。天氣耐用的Tricord繩子手工編織的座椅向內收縮,創造出溫暖、親密的包圍效果。休息椅由天然柚木框架,通過後腿支撐座椅殼體,完美地呈現了時尚與實用的完美結合,讓您與家人或朋友在戶外放鬆,享受陽光和自然的美好時光。 此商品僅限門市購買,如欲預約請 按此聯絡我們
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ Mood
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ Mood
◎【築硯全球精英薈】 - 標誌您卓越品味的尊榮會員計劃:專享獨家回饋!(點我加入會員)。 ◎ 圖片僅供參考,實際報價依會籍級別/材質等級/配件選擇而不同。 在悠閒的夏日時光中,享受著陽光灑落的感覺,讓您的戶外空間添上幾分溫馨和自然的氣息。TRIBÙ頂級戶外家具的Mood系列由STUDIO SEGERS所設計,以其通風的網狀編織背板和天然柚木的溫暖結合,瞬間營造出私密的氛圍。Mood的柚木圓形椅腳賦予椅子溫馨而友善的氣氛,而由Tricord手工編織的椅背卻賦予了它精美的獨特性,軟綿綿的手感舒適,但卻能夠抵擋任何天氣的考驗。TRIBÙ專為這一系列打造了一系列自然色調,可以與任何戶外環境相互搭配,讓您的庭院更具融合感。此外,Mood系列的舒適坐墊也採用了透氣、防水的填充材料,可以放心地任其留在雨中。讓TRIBÙ Mood成為您戶外空間的佼佼者,享受著這個時光,並帶來更多的美好與舒適。 此商品僅限門市購買,如欲預約請 按此聯絡我們
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ Amanu
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ Amanu
◎【築硯全球精英薈】 - 標誌您卓越品味的尊榮會員計劃:專享獨家回饋!(點我加入會員)。 ◎ 圖片僅供參考,實際報價依會籍級別/材質等級/配件選擇而不同。 慵懶的午後,獨自靜坐於陽台,享受一份屬於自己的閒適時光。在您追尋舒適與可持續生活方式的同時,TRIBÙ Amanu系列將為您呈現這樣一個完美的選擇。Amanu系列由設計教父Yabu Pushelberg親自打造,結合了舒適性和可持續性的完美結合,為您的戶外空間帶來內部質感。椅子採用緊密編織的Canax®座椅,似乎從纖細的柚木框架上漂浮而出,這些框架來自於印尼可持續管理的種植園。細微的錐形腿提供了輕盈和優雅的感覺,而平滑的半圓形扶手和優雅的坐墊則使椅子非常舒適。Amanu系列的出現,讓您能夠在自然環境中享受最高品質的生活方式,打造出完美的戶外空間,成為您的獨特風景。 此商品僅限門市購買,如欲預約請 按此聯絡我們
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ SENJA 1-seat sofa
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ SENJA 1-seat sofa
◎【築硯全球精英薈】 - 標誌您卓越品味的尊榮會員計劃:專享獨家回饋!(點我加入會員)。 ◎ 圖片僅供參考,實際報價依會籍級別/材質等級/配件選擇而不同。 A deeply cushioning sofa to curl up on, the Senja one-seater comes with high or low arms. The generous filling gives the sofa a pleasing, cocooning shape. The sofa comes with teak or powder-coated aluminium legs in linen or wengé. 此商品僅限門市購買,如欲預約請 按此聯絡我們
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ PURE 1-seat sofa
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ PURE 1-seat sofa
◎【築硯全球精英薈】 - 標誌您卓越品味的尊榮會員計劃:專享獨家回饋!(點我加入會員)。 ◎ 圖片僅供參考,實際報價依會籍級別/材質等級/配件選擇而不同。 With the Pure Sofa, designer Andrei Munteanu reduces design to the essence, devoid of all excess: pure simplicity and elegance. This modular outdoor sofa consists of five elements that combine easily into a corner sofa, long couch, lounge bed, etc. The sofa is available in high-quality teak from Indonesian plantations. Deep casual cushions to sink into create an informal, relaxed look and are available in numerous luxury outdoor fabrics. In addition to casual cushions, the Pure sofa armchair is also available with Miami cushions. 此商品僅限門市購買,如欲預約請 按此聯絡我們
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ SURO lounge chair
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ SURO lounge chair
◎【築硯全球精英薈】 - 標誌您卓越品味的尊榮會員計劃:專享獨家回饋!(點我加入會員)。 ◎ 圖片僅供參考,實際報價依會籍級別/材質等級/配件選擇而不同。 The Suro lounge chair truly enhances the combination of two materials: the elegant rigor of teak wood or powder coated aluminium and the flexibility of the braided rope weaving. Both materials elegantly blend into an exceptional design. The wood and aluminium both affirm the structure of the seat. The fiber backrest, as if hanging from the seat, forms an embracing cocoon-like flower petal which provides unique comfort thanks to its roundness. 此商品僅限門市購買,如欲預約請 按此聯絡我們
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ VIS À VIS rocking chair
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ VIS À VIS rocking chair
◎【築硯全球精英薈】 - 標誌您卓越品味的尊榮會員計劃:專享獨家回饋!(點我加入會員)。 ◎ 圖片僅供參考,實際報價依會籍級別/材質等級/配件選擇而不同。 The Vis à vis collection gives wooden outdoor furniture a new dimension. Teak is designer Cazzaniga's favourite outdoor material, it is natural, soft to touch and extremely durable. When he started to design the collection, he thought of a place where people could be outside and communicate with each other in total comfort. The result was a lounger with royal dimensions and an integrated side table, designed in a way that two loungers fit into each other. Soon a dining table that can be extended endlessly and a number of chairs were added to the collection. The chairs are upholstered with an airy weave in weather-resistant Canax® and are highly comfortable. This applies all the more to the inviting rocking chair. 此商品僅限門市購買,如欲預約請 按此聯絡我們
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ VIS À VIS lounge chair
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ VIS À VIS lounge chair
◎【築硯全球精英薈】 - 標誌您卓越品味的尊榮會員計劃:專享獨家回饋!(點我加入會員)。 ◎ 圖片僅供參考,實際報價依會籍級別/材質等級/配件選擇而不同。 The Vis à vis collection gives wooden outdoor furniture a new dimension. Teak is designer Cazzaniga's favourite outdoor material, it is natural, soft to touch and extremely durable. When he started to design the collection, he thought of a place where people could be outside and communicate with each other in total comfort. The result was a lounger with royal dimensions and an integrated side table, designed in a way that two loungers fit into each other. Soon a dining table that can be extended endlessly and a number of chairs were added to the collection. The chairs are upholstered with an airy weave in weather-resistant Canax® and are highly comfortable. This applies all the more to the inviting rocking chair. 此商品僅限門市購買,如欲預約請 按此聯絡我們
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ TOSCA lounge chair
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ TOSCA lounge chair
◎【築硯全球精英薈】 - 標誌您卓越品味的尊榮會員計劃:專享獨家回饋!(點我加入會員)。 ◎ 圖片僅供參考,實際報價依會籍級別/材質等級/配件選擇而不同。 The Tosca collection is simultaneously warm and inviting, stylish and intriguing. It was the first time Tribù called upon a female designer to draw an exterior furniture piece with a more feminine touch. Monica Armani succeeded in her challenge: rounded forms, tapered legs and an elegant seating shell in powdercoated stainless steel, upholstered with extra-wide braiding. The material for the braiding is genuinely innovative : foam mousse is encased in a seamless sheath of knitted textilene and polyolefine which makes the material weather-resistant, but also surprisingly soft to the touch. The seating comfort is especially pleasant, also thanks to the comfortable outdoor cushions. 此商品僅限門市購買,如欲預約請 按此聯絡我們
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ KOS lounge chair
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ KOS lounge chair
◎【築硯全球精英薈】 - 標誌您卓越品味的尊榮會員計劃:專享獨家回饋!(點我加入會員)。 ◎ 圖片僅供參考,實際報價依會籍級別/材質等級/配件選擇而不同。 Ervaar het toppunt van basic chic en onberispelijk zitcomfort met de Kos teakhouten loungestoel. Dit opmerkelijke stuk uit de Kos collectie combineert naadloos brede latten met een strak en krachtig design, wat een moderne en robuuste interpretatie van teak meubelen oplevert. Tribù gebruikt enkel het allerbeste Javaanse plantagehout voor zijn teak outdoor lounge chair. De kwaliteit wordt lokaal gecontroleerd door dochteronderneming Tribù Asia. 此商品僅限門市購買,如欲預約請 按此聯絡我們
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ NOMAD lounge chair
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ NOMAD lounge chair
◎【築硯全球精英薈】 - 標誌您卓越品味的尊榮會員計劃:專享獨家回饋!(點我加入會員)。 ◎ 圖片僅供參考,實際報價依會籍級別/材質等級/配件選擇而不同。 The deep cushion of the Nomad lounge chair is stitched to cocoon the body, folding over the armrests and moulding into the broad curve of the backrest. Designer Monica Armani used what she calls ‘noble teak wood' for its warmth, smoothness and strength. Slender legs and contoured armrests give the chair its elegant profile and the smartly stitched cushion is as luxurious as it is comfortable. Nomad lounge chair, like its name, works well wherever it is placed, in combination with a lounge set-up or as a stand-alone piece. 此商品僅限門市購買,如欲預約請 按此聯絡我們
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ NATAL ALU lounge chair
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ NATAL ALU lounge chair
◎【築硯全球精英薈】 - 標誌您卓越品味的尊榮會員計劃:專享獨家回饋!(點我加入會員)。 ◎ 圖片僅供參考,實際報價依會籍級別/材質等級/配件選擇而不同。 The Natal Alu collection combines functionality with impeccable class and a strong charisma. The straight, angular lines of the aluminium frame contrast beautifully with the curved seat in Batyline® which seems to float within the frame. In 1999, the stainless steel version with teak seat won a Henry van de Velde design award. Today the design is still very much in style, although updated with more low-maintenance materials. Batyline is UV and stretch-resistant, dirt-repellent and quick-drying. The aluminium frame is corrosion-resistant and has a lovely matte look thanks to the textured powder coating. 此商品僅限門市購買,如欲預約請 按此聯絡我們
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ UKIYO lounge chair
【JUYAN Luxe會員限定】TRIBÙ UKIYO lounge chair
◎【築硯全球精英薈】 - 標誌您卓越品味的尊榮會員計劃:專享獨家回饋!(點我加入會員)。 ◎ 圖片僅供參考,實際報價依會籍級別/材質等級/配件選擇而不同。 Curved lines like brushstrokes, precise and ethereal at the same time, also incorporated into the Japanese writing system, were the inspiration for the new Ukiyo collection. The Ukiyo lounge chair expresses the delicacy of brushstrokes while offering unmatched comfort. 此商品僅限門市購買,如欲預約請 按此聯絡我們